Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My little one, Jordan, had his SHOWKIDS performance Saturday night at the Warner Robins Civic Center. Words cannot express the appreciation and admiration I have for Jordan's music and drama teachers, Ms. Tracy and Ms. Yvonne.  It was an incredible, funny, entertaining and amazing show.  GREAT JOB to all the performers and everyone involved in the production.



"We are thankful for the USA!"


remembering the 50's...

...and the 60's



...and even the famous --- "HEE HAW" days!


Tell me my boy "dutten" feel the music!

 Our favorite songs are about Jesus... 


...like "Jesus Loves Me" & "I'll Fly Away"

...because "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands!"

(posted by ONE PROUD MOMMY!)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Race

A couple of weeks ago, Joseph, Aaron and I participated the RUN4MISSIONS 5k and Fun Race in Macon, Ga.  What an awesome experience...especially for my Jojo since it was his first race. What an event!!!

The RACE...

Getting Ready for the RACE...

Joseph's 1mile race was first!

so excited and nervous..how cute is this!!!

look at him go...

and go and go...

he sees the finish line up ahead...

...and the girl behind him..."aint no girl going to beat me!"

 My baby came in 2nd Place in his first race!!!


We are so proud of you JOJO!

Then it was time for the 5K...

meet my coach...my best friend...
my "super"man!


Aaron ran with me...I mean stayed with me (he could have beaten me by 10 or more minutes I'm sure) but he never left my side...he pushed me, encouraged me and supported me.  Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful man.

"you can do this...you got this Mel...you're doing great..
I'm so proud of you...check your breathing..."
Looking up, I saw the finish line...
I saw that I had beaten my last time by nearly 4 minutes.
It was an accomplished goal...
I finished and I improved!

I know it's not a "time" to brag about, but it's
improvement for me that I am very proud of.

Then it was time for the awards ceremony...

2nd Place in his first race!!!


The simple things in life make me the happiest...being with people I love, contributing to a cause, finishing something you started, encouraging others, improving ourselves and just doing life together with LOVE...tons of LOVE!


Devotion: Motherhood

I found this devotion very interesting and valid.  I thought it was worth sharing.

The Mother Every Child Needs


No perfect model of motherhood exists. Children have different temperaments and personalities, and it takes all kinds of mothers to raise them well. But as different as kids are, they do have some common needs.

First, every child needs a mother who wants her children. Nothing is more devastating to a youngster than to grow up feeling unwanted or unloved. A broken connection with Mom can haunt a child throughout life. This may hinder relationships with Jesus Christ, friends, and spouses. As a future adult, that child may struggle with a suspicion that he or she is unlovable.

Second, every child needs a mother who cares for her children. To be healthy and stable adults, kids need a mom who invests in their body, mind, and spirit. Busy parents too often substitute material things for emotional and spiritual support. Buying the latest fashionable clothes may meet a desire. But talking and listening to understand a child's feelings meets the needs of the heart.

Third, every child needs a mother who surrenders her children to God. From an early age, boys and girls should understand they belong to the Lord. Whatever God calls them to do, Mom needs to support His plan with love for them and faith in Him. In 1 Samuel 1:28, we learn children are a gift that parents should return to the Giver's service, just as Hannah did with her son Samuel.

Mothers aren't perfect nor do they have to be. But God is. Through Him and ONLY through Him, a mom can fulfill her calling to want, protect, and surrender her children, no matter how old they are.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


...if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:2

...more to come soon!!! 
Many thanks to
for our awesome logo!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Why is Mother's Day
so special to me? 


...the gifts of course!!!

Especially when you get two!!


"Mom, I couldn't do life without you. 
I hope you have the best Mother's Day ever. 
I love you Jojo"

(written on my Mother's Day card from Joseph)


"I love you mom. I love you varemuch.
You are vare spshl to are famule.
We play with you.  You love me.
I love you too Boo"

(written on my Mother's Day card from Jordan)

Every good and perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let Us Run

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.   Hebrews 12:1