A couple of weeks ago, Joseph, Aaron and I participated the RUN4MISSIONS 5k and Fun Race in Macon, Ga. What an awesome experience...especially for my Jojo since it was his first race. What an event!!!
The RACE...
Getting Ready for the RACE...
Joseph's 1mile race was first!
so excited and nervous..how cute is this!!!
look at him go...
and go and go...
he sees the finish line up ahead...
...and the girl behind him..."aint no girl going to beat me!"
My baby came in 2nd Place in his first race!!!
We are so proud of you JOJO!
Then it was time for the 5K...
meet my coach...my best friend...
my "super"man!
Aaron ran with me...I mean stayed with me (he could have beaten me by 10 or more minutes I'm sure) but he never left my side...he pushed me, encouraged me and supported me. Thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful man.
"you can do this...you got this Mel...you're doing great..
I'm so proud of you...check your breathing..."
Looking up, I saw the finish line...
I saw that I had beaten my last time by nearly 4 minutes.
It was an accomplished goal...
I finished and I improved!
I know it's not a "time" to brag about, but it's
improvement for me that I am very proud of.
Then it was time for the awards ceremony...
2nd Place in his first race!!!
The simple things in life make me the happiest...being with people I love, contributing to a cause, finishing something you started, encouraging others, improving ourselves and just doing life together with LOVE...tons of LOVE!