This is the next sign going up on Keith Drive…Oh, how I wish! We see the “Slow Children Playing” signs and they barely register with us these days. But seeing THIS sign, something else comes into play...EMOTION! You're pulled into the emotion that we all have for our children. The feeling tugs on your heart and you lay off the gas.
Words Are Powerful
Effective? Much! One of the mightiest forces in all creation: words. When God created the world and everything in it, He did so with words. He said, “Let there be,” and there was.
Words have the power to heal broken hearts and make dreams come true. They have the power to boost one’s self-esteem and put smiles on faces. They also have the power to break hearts, diminish hope, and to keep dreams from coming true. And of course, they have the power to tear someone down completely and cause them to feel completely worthless.
How forcible are right words! ~ Job 6:25
I am striving to keep hate out of my heart and out of my mind. When hate moves into your heart or mind, rest assured no good will ever come from it. It’ll simply grow and grow – and eventually come flying out of your mouth or fingertips! SPEAKING OF FINGERTIPS… last Wednesday night as my two boys and I were on our way to church we were stopped by a traffic light. As we waited for the light to turn green, we were laughing about something my 11 year old said and I didn’t realize the light had turned. All of a sudden I hear a horn blow; I look up to my surprise to see in my rearview mirror a woman holding up her middle finger…needless to say my boys saw it too…eyes big as saucers. All the way to church this woman rode my bumper…did I mention that this was a four-lane road in which no one was in the lane beside me? This delightful human could have chosen another lane to do her hurried travels, but NO! She was bound to make a point I guess!?!?!? As we were approaching the turn-in to the church my oldest said…”bet she doesn’t follow us up in here, but she needs to.” WOW! How powerful were those words!
How sad is it for someone to say to someone else…”I HATE YOU!” Confucius said it best, “Words are the voice of the heart.” If your words are consistently critical, condemning, and unkind – guess what emotion dominates your heart?! It’s not just time to give your vocabulary an overhaul; it’s time to rethink your outlook on life.
I’ve often wondered if those who are hyper critical and overly judgmental are, on some level, very unhappy. Now I am convinced that it is a fact. It just seems to me that if you’re a happy, contented person who truly appreciates your blessings, you won’t have time to spit hatred or lies all over the place. I feel sorry for such people and I know a few. Hopefully, before they push the entire world away from them, they’ll find happiness. THEN, they can spread that instead of misery.
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." – Mother Teresa
Don’t take people for granted and never assume someone knows how you feel or what you think. They’ll only know for sure when you tell them.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
~ Proverbs 18:21
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