Monday, April 5, 2010

HE IS... (Easter 2010)

We had the most amazing Easter Service at Cross Point yesterday.  Our preacher's sermon was centered around Luke 24:13-35.  It was one of the best Easter sermons I had ever heard.  One thing that really caught my ear was a piece that Preacher Morton ended his sermon with that went so well with the following scripture...

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.  Luke 24:27

Old Testament
Genesis—he is the Ram at Abraham’s altar
Exodus—he is our Passover Lamb
Leviticus—he is our High Priest
Numbers—he is the Cloud by Day and Pillar of Fire by Night
Deuteronomy—he is the City of our Refuge
Joshua—he is the scarlet thread hanging from Rahab’s window
Judges—he is the only faithful Judge
Ruth—he is my Kinsmen Redeemer
1&2 Samuel—he is our Trusted Prophet
Kings/Chronicles—he alone is the Reigning King
Ezra—he is my Faithful Scribe
Nehemiah—he is the Rebuilder of everything that is broken
Esther—he is Faithful Mordecai sitting outside the city gates
Job—he is my Redeemer who will always live
Psalms—he is my Shepherd and I shall not want
Proverbs—he is Divine Wisdom
Ecclesiastes—he is the Purpose and Meaning of life
Song of Solomon—he is the Beautiful Bride ready and waiting
Isaiah—he is Suffering Servant
Jeremiah/Lamentations—he is the Prophet Weeping for his people
Ezekiel—he is the Spirit bringing Life to the Dead
Daniel—he is the Fourth Man standing in the fiery furnace
Hosea—he is the Love that is Forever Faithful
Joel—he Baptizes me with His Spirit
Amos—he is my Burden Bearer
Obadiah—he is my Savior
Jonah—he is the Great Foreign Missionary taking the Gospel into the world
Micah—he is the Messenger with Beautiful Feet
Nahum—he is my Avenger
Habakkuk—he is Lord God Almighty Ready to Save
Zephaniah—he is the One who punishes sin and extends mercy
Haggai—he is the Restorer of my lost heritage
Zechariah—he is the Fountain of Life
Malachi—he is the Son of Righteousness with Healing held within His Wings

New Testament
Matthew—he is the Christ, Son of the Living God
Mark—he is the Miracle Worker
Luke –he is Jesus, Seeking and Saving the lost
John—he is the Door by which every man must enter for Salvation
Acts—he is the Shining Light to Saul on the road to Damascus
Romans—he is the Author of Salvation
1 Corinthians—he is my Resurrection
2 Corinthians—he is my Sin Bearer
Galatians—he is Redemption from the Law
Ephesians—he is my Unsearchable Riches
Philippians—he is the One who makes all things possible
Colossians—he is the fullness of Deity in Bodily Form
1&2 Thessalonians—he is our soon, coming King!
1 Timothy—he is the Mediator between God and man
2 Timothy—he is the Crown of Righteousness
Titus—he is our Blessed Hope
Philemon—he is the Friend that sticks closer than a brother
Hebrews—he is the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant
James—he is the Lord able to heal and save
1&2 Peter—he is our Chief Shepherd
1/2/3 John—he is Jesus with tenderness and love
Jude—he is the Lord returning with 10,000 saints from on high
Revelation—Lift up your eyes church, your redemption is drawing near: he is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and he will soon return for His bride! Be encouraged and live!

WOW!!!  How powerful was that??? 

Jesus was there all along. 

He is... Lord from start to finish.

Hope each of you had a very Blessed & Happy Easter! 


1 comment:

  1. Jeremy did a great job running through all of those book didn't he. It was very moving and a great addition to a wonderful Easter sermon. Great picture of you and the boys!
